Monday, June 30, 2008
Breast- Ours, women, assets
After breastfeeding Megan for 12 months, I notice that my breast is bit sag. Not as perk as they used to be, from browsing, I found out that commonly breasts will sag after pregnancy due to weight gaining though I didn't gain much on my pregnancy, just 10 kg. Still I felt they're sag.
And, really, a stroke of coincidence, I found a chatting web discussing about the usefulness and effectiveness of Elling Bras from the wearers. Turns out Elling Bras are local made bra a.k.a Indonesia.
Not similiar with fashion bras such as Sorella, Triumph, Women Secret, Wonderbra, Mark and Spencer Bra etc which we'll easily find their counter at malls but Elling bras are custom made bras and the purpose is to reconstruct women breasts and to maintain at their best shape. Everyone can wear them, from teenager to grandmas. From big breasts to small ones. Very recommended for pregnant and breast feeding women. Even women with breast removed, Elling Bra can make very comfortable bras for them .
Elling bras have no padding and don't have wire but very supportive cumber bands. I sold 1 pack (2 bras) to one of my big breast friend and when she jumped up and down, her breast were not even swing. Absolutely 100% supportive.
In my training last weekend, I saw many of elling wearer (their employee who strip down their tops for me to practice measurement and practiced how to wear bras hahaha, yes, you must strip to be measure and test the bras) their breasts are beautiful as been hand craft. Although some have 3-4 kids all exclusive breast fed more then 1 year, some has been on yo-yo dieting but no sag at all.
Actually Elling bra offer no magic at all, we all know breasts have no muscle, just fat cell, so they can't support their own weight and can't fight gravity on their own. They need good holder to support them. Too small bras will press hard on our breasts so can change their natural shapes and the breasts fats will travel to our back or underarm. Too large bras will make our breasts sag. Too much padding bras will make the skin around them suffocated and not healthy and the areola can't produce maximal fat to lubricate so the nipple will darken.
Elling bra made of 100% cotton, very breathable and very supportive, the construction is similar with breastfeeding bras but not the same. Usually diligent wearer will enjoy the result in 3-8 months (depend on the age and the length of breast feeding)
Bra Size Elling Bra is available in more than 50 sizes to meet the very individual shape and proper cup size of women's breasts.
Now, interested to try anyone?
Megan- home alone
Not really home alone but with pho-pho, kong-kong, siau yie (specially back from Aceh just to take care of her) and bibik (asked her to sleep over for two nights)
Why I left her in Medan? Because I thought Jakarta is to harsh for baby/toddler, no kidding, traveling for a place to another minimal will need 1 hour and the air pollution is terrible. But mostly because Megan still eat soft rice/ steam rice and I can't steam in the hotel, so her food is a problem and I went there for training and signing distributor contract so no time to cook for her and she'll be stuck in the office for whole day with me if she's coming along.
DH was so coincidently has some business to arrange in Jakarta, we went together and borrowed his friend's car.
According to Siau yie, her slept was restless on first night (Friday night) but no crying and on daytime still be good girl continue to Saturday, but at night, she started searching for me, usually I was the one who put her to sleep, when bibik changing her pijamas, she looked around and started crying, DM went to my room to sooth her and played with her then DS A.K.A siau yie put her to sleep. But on Sunday, she began so fussy cried a lot and get angry a lot.
I never thought that 12 months baby can show much 'missing' feeling.
When I went home at night, she clapped her little hand and asked me to 'pao-pao' but not clinging. Still want kong-kong pao-pao her so I can bathed and dined. then put her to slept.
Slept so soundly with me by her side
These picture of traffic jam was taken from my car which was caught in the traffic jam on our way back to hotel on Friday night around 22.30pm local time.
At first, We thought the traffic was cause by going home shopper, but we're wrong, they weren't going home but, queuing for entering the Malls or CBD around there, either for clubbing or movies.
Really a never sleep city.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Super Snack
After a deep searched, I decide to eat this:
a sachet of high fiber cereal and quaker oat instant.
Mixed with 3 table spoon of low fat chocolate milk powder
added around 250cc of hot boiling water
stirred to dissolved, enjoyed with butter cookies ( kue salju: butter cookies with icing sugar coating).
Bon Apetite
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Girls talks: Vaginoplasty
Two of my friends have under gone the surgery.
First is an auntie ( 40ies). Several years ago, she suddenly disappeared from gym more than half year, when I met her, she claimed she had done vaginoplasty in Singapore and she suffered alot from that. After surgery, she can't even sit because her labia had swollen so badly. She must endured pain when she need to pee and poo. The doctor promised her that things will go back to normal after 4-6 weeks, but heck, she said, she can't even have sex with her husband after 3 months because it too painful to intercourse. And after around 5-6 months, when all the pain, swelling and wound completely 100% healed, she claimed her first night with her husband was so painful because her vagina was too tight ... argh... scary hah... When I asked her, why she did it, she said it was for her husband, lately her hubby always commented how good it would felt if she was virgin again (she has 3 grown up kids, they married young) and she was scared her hubby would find a mistress so she did it. (I don't know her story after that because she rarely show up in gym anymore, wonder if her hubby still faithful or not)
Second is an innocent victim. My friend married a doctor family (means grandpa, father and son also a doctor), so as unwritten policy in Indonesia, between colleague (doctors) always free of charge whether to gynecologist, paediatrics, dentist etc. My friend's gyneacologist happen to be her FIL friends. So, when she was gaving birth of her son a few months back, without her knowledge, her doctor also performed vaginoplasty on her. The result was, except your down there has already bruised from laboring, also swollen from vaginoplasty. Her suffer was unexplainable, but he was her in-law friend so can't be rude. When she asked him, politely, why? He said, I made yours pretty again mah so your hubby will be happy and It's free of charge! After 4 months, she still can't consummate with her hubby and he found out hers was too small and too tight, so, she went to Singapore to has another reconstruction surgery. Scary hah?!!
Still want to 'sacrificed' this way for your DH if he asked? hehehe
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A cute chubby baby with a big appetite for mummy breast milk . She can finished the whole 110cc of pumped breast milk ( she just 2 weeks old).
Giselle is a bit naughty because she refuse to suckling her mummy nipple, but mummy is OK with it because mummy has invested a medela electric breast pump, so for temporary, the naughtiness is forgiven :)
Giselle was born on 01 June 2008 , by cesarean, because Giselle is tempted to explore the curiosities of the place called world , so Giselle pinched a hole and broke and mummy's water before the due date to fasten all process.
Well, Welcome Giselle, first daughter of Ju Susantyo and Sally Law, your arrival will bring joy for your family.....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Oatmeal Porridge
Now our house breakfast usually are porridge some time brown rice chicken porridge (rarely) but mostly oatmeal porridges. It’s more easily to prepare yet satisfying and nutritious.
Usually DM will cook plain oatmeal (plain water and no sugar) and we can add our personal favorites in it as desired.
Me usually will add some milk powder (lazy to drink milk separately), some black sesame seed powder or brown rice powder and 1 boiled egg to kick up the nutrition value (black sesame seed is known to help women maintain youthful complexion). Some time, when I felt adventures, I'll add a spoon or two chunky peanut butter and cheese into it (hmmm…. nyum nyum, but for DH, it’s disgusting hehehe).Sometimes will also add some berries and assorted nuts.
For Megan, usually oatmeal with half of boiled egg (another half will went into mummy stomach) and fruit puree such as papaya, apple, pear, banana etc
DH , DM and DF will add some sugar and ate oatmeal with a glass of milk
We never use instant oatmeal but use only regular one. From one of prevention magazine article (I forgot which one), It said that instant oatmeal have slightly more sodium than regular one. Because daddy has a high blood pressure, so you know the reason.
Our favorite brands are Lowan: Whole grain Rolled Oat, Country choice: Organic Big Oat and Quaker Regular. All are soft with a slight chewy taste (except quaker which tend to be creamy)
So, how do you eat your breakfast?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Hot, Hot, Hot!!!
Why the weather is so bleak now? Hardly rain lah... if it rains, usually only a few minutes.. so making it worse and hotter.
Even Megan got biang keringat ( rash ) around his neck. And she scratched them. Poor baby. I've put on some powder on, and she'll relax for a while.
I think I'll sweat to death lah. Even not able to apply any make up, so, no make up these day. And I badly need hair cut. My hair already out of style, grown so long and stick to my neck, still can't find out time to go to salon.
DM always said that with the weather these days, she can't imagine what kind of heat our next generation will faced, she pity on our next generation. She got the point through, in their time, the land was still green, so many forest, the weather was nice. When mum was young, she never ever apply any lotion, sun block, etc, and still got very superb skin. Us? we lather on so many product on our skin, and not even near perfection as our mum's.
Sometime, I blamed on the plantation company who caused the major deforestation in Indonesia and also all the illegal logging things. Huh! Just for money, they have ruined the world ecosystem. And all people including animals and plantsfeel the impact.
Really, God please bless us and our children, some how, the things will get better ( keep dreaming)...
I think we must act, to preserve our environment. Start from our own house ( small steps lead to great result lah ).
Major problem I think is garbage which will produce methane gas and contribute to green house effect. How to reduce house rubbish?Any idea?
Second, is plastic. Do you know Plastics need 1000 years ( yes, 10 centuries) to be unravel by microorganism? I still use plastic bag to store rubbish and that I know, is bad. I read article about green bags, or bio bags ( which promised for ability to resolve or unravel in short time ) but still no clue where to buy them. I've email the seller but no reply.
I always bring my envirosaxs, my own chopstick, handkerchief, My baby use only cloth diaper and cloth wipes. I even use cloth pads now. Still it feel doesn't enough if we can't influence our surrounding to copying us...
For detergent pollution, I'm trying this soapnuts. Just got the package today, still haven't use them. I'll try them out and post it.
Oh yes, preserve water using is also is a must!
It's late, and I still feeling so hot and sweaty. Got to hide into my room again.
Good night to all
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Gossip 2
But one day, she met an architect who was being hired by her boss for their new building. The dude is handsome, polite and intelligent. So, my fren ( let us call her fren) easily fall in love with him , This dude ( let us call him dude) seem to responded the same way.
BUT dude already has steady girl frend and they're going to married soon and fren was so naively believed that dude'll loved her so much that will backed off from the plan.
Well, the wedding went on as planned, fren and dude kept their relationship in secret ( I dunno how dude influenced her because fren turned deaf to all of us, her friends, who kept advising her to broke off this relationship)
Their affair continued until dude has little baby girl and still fren believed one day dude will married her.
On some occasion, miracle I thought, fren will suddenly accept our advise, she will tried to broke off with dude, but dude won't let her go and instead he'll called us to blamed us for interfering his affair. Fren, who was so blinded in loved will also put the blamed on us.
As the proverb said, as cleverly as a squirrel able to jumps, one day he will fall down (I translate it from bahasa proverb haha), One day after so long, the wife nosed out this affair, she went to fren office, screaming, throwing tantrum accusing fren is a heartless cold bitch who lured her beloved hubby and tried break apart her family (what scene!!). Everybody were shocked, because fren is also a religious girl who go to church every Sunday and a shoulder to cry on for her many colleague. Fren just stood on the spot, sobbing... unable to speak anything, until the security guy get rid of the wife, fren then, went home.
How about dude? Well he too, accused fren who lured him at first place and acting innocently as he can be, said that he tried millions time to broke off with fren but fren threated that she will tell his wife about this affair and he loved his family so much to let it broke apart. So he was forgiven and beloved again.
Fren was so broken hearted, she resigned from her office and moved abroad.
Thanks god, now she has find herself a new boyfriend who, I hope, will love her dearly because except her naive and blinded love, actually she is a good person.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I'm A Chocolate Addict. I can't live without Chocolate. I love all kind of dark chocolate. These are my daily snacks to help me easy the stress. When a piece of chocolate is melting in your mouth on your tongue, ohhhh feels like heaven.
I put several brands of chocolate in a lock-lock box, convenient for me to choose which one I like at the moment. Right now, I have Cote d'Or dark hazelnut, Dark Frey, Dark Lindt with peanut, dark Godiva and Cardbury old Jamaican, oh yes and Meiji Dark.
This is my sweet escapade of the day...
Leisure afternoon
Megan, DH and me went to Sun Plaza this afternoon. We buy 'Jumbo musical toy" by blue box for Megan and find out it was broken/ damage, got to replace them tomorrow. We strolled around and refueled at Excelso Cafe. As usual, the place were crowded, but luckily we able to get ourselves a table.
The "Dome" is just across of it. I like Excelso better because they provide non-smoking area ( Dome also, but still, it smell so smoky ) and also the food is better here, with great taste toasted wheat club sandwiches ( have I even mention, I'm sandwiches addict? ) and so many delicious snacks
Because we're not really hungry, today, I ordered berry breeze ( with real berries in it ) and Mango Breeze for DH (the color was oddly white, I suspect they put too many Vanilla ice-cream in it)
For snack:
a plate of Crispy Cass, DH favorite
It's a simple dessert made from cassava ( tape) with cheese, peanut and chocolate topping. Taste so yummy...
( I manage to snapped this picture before DH eat all of them )
See... almost done in few minutes.
PS. Megan enjoyed also a little bites of cheese, and cassava too hehehe
Friday, June 13, 2008
Since Megan born, it's hard to spare out time to exercise, let alone to gym. With all the attention she needs and breastfeeding, I lost all my prenatal and guek lai /confinement period weight (..yes... I gain around 5 kg in 1 month of guek lai ) effortlessly. But my body always felt odd and I felt sleepless at night even I was tired, because it used to be hard trained, so I decide I need to workout again to be healthy and Megan need healthy mum ( body and soul ) to take care of her, right?
Now I manage to squeeze in 2 time per week to go to gym and 1 time tae bo in my room.
Here some pics of my gym. Old already but I like it because it's almost empty at the time i arrived ( very crowded in the morning and at evening )
I do 30 minutes of running on treadmill
then 3 sets of decline bench sit up
me.. look so silly trying to take picture of myself
some sets of squat, hand press, chest press etc with dumbbells
And at last .. lat pull down
I'll be finished in 1 hour and sweat from head to toe but with fresh spirit and mind because I know I've done something good for me today.......
I love these Ki Zhang
I like this ki zhang because it contain black bean paste in it and not too sweet so it's very very yummy.....
Di Zhu Ye Ye Day
Since last year we didn't gave paper offering anymore due to global warming ( hey... burning paper contribute CO2 in the air and paper being burn mean wasted plants which has been cut down and wasted all the energy/power to make the paper ).
DM donate the money to buy paper offering for charities instead. See... living greener life and doing some goodwill seem very nice lah.
Here is the altar look like when i remembered to take the picture ( huat kue and red eggs has been removed ).
Di Zhu Ye Ye house look merry with extra pair of candles.
Fruits offering contain of 1 bunch ofgrapes, 4laya/chinese pears, 4 apples, 4 oranges
5 huat kue and 5 eggs ( I ate 1 already hehehe )
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Soh Hup Yuen Medical Pill
Lately, because of nightly broken sleep due Megan want her nennen, I felt my back along the spine and waist area are sore which will felt so hmmmmm if DH give them a massage
DM said I 'masuk angin' ( I don't know what is the English sentence for it, 'catch wind?'). She went to Singapore 2 weeks ago for her general check up and bought me 2 box of Soh Hup Yuen medical pill.
In my confinement period ( guek -lai ) I have consumed 30 days of these horrible pills which taste yuck... twice a day along with some Pai Feng Wan (these one are OK because they come in tiny pills) !!! They are suppose to 'chi-feng' or ' get rid 'wind from my body due to Chinese believe that post natal women are weak ( oh.. yes we're hehe ) because have lost many bloods and strength for gave birth. I obligately consumed them and haven't felt any thing uncomfortable until recently.
Although I already have them a week ago, I kept procrastinate eating the "So Hup Yuen Pills because i hate the smell, yuck... but considering the benefit and DM keep nagging me to eat them , so at last I give up. Already eat them for 3 days in row, night time only, and the magic has worked it's way.... Less sore lah...
These step by step how to prepare it for some newbees ( I doubt if there any Chinese women especially new mum never eat them before, cause there are popular and one of a must Chinese medicines pill for newly mums in my family )
Soh Hup Yuen box, contain 6 cylinder each with 2 pills in them
The pill wrap in candle made container
See.. the giant pill? We can't swallow it one time
Put in the glass
Pour some hot water in the glass, and keep stiring and pressing it
When dissolved... well drink it when still warm!
After that, I drink some DOM, tell you later, that's another posting..
Well, Bon apetite ... kidding hehe