Sunday, February 21, 2010


Gong Xi Fa Chai, everyone.
May you and your family enjoy peace and good health throughout this new year
May this new year flood your home with joy, happiness and laughter
May this new year bring you fulfillment and success in your life
and most important,
May you be bestow with good fortune in this new year.
Happy Chinese New Year, Happy Spring Festival....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy New Year!!! (ehmm..belated)

Well, as wise man said before, it's better late then never (ehmm..ehmm..)so, Happy Belated New Year , everyone!!!
May the Tiger roar away all the bad spirits and bring us all good luck, health and proprieties.

Well, I've been absent for a while because so busy. With new 2 prospective projects to chase and tender also Megan's more demanding now.

My Megan has been sicked last year on Dec '09 for 2 weeks. Infected by German Measles. She was cranky of discomfort and lost appetite. So clingy and cengeng.

After that (she's healed), I brought her to my sister house at Rumbai, Pekan Baru to let her breathed some fresh air, greener environment and to celebrate Christmas and New Year with my sister's family.
She gained back her lost weight plus some more but..... 2 week later, after Megan and I went back to Medan, my nephew, richard, my sister's son and Megan play mate were sick, infected by same German Measles.. Arghhh I'm so phai seee.
He's OK now.

But after all, we really have fun there, at Rumbai, really looking forward to spend my next holiday there.