Monday, September 15, 2008

Who can resist these?

I CAN'T, I love all kind of cakes and Moon cake is only available once a year.
This year, we got them mostly from Singapore:
* 5 boxes from Pine Court Restaurant (Mixed nuts with assorted hams,low sugar lotus paste with macadamia nut, Lotus paste with double yolk,Mini cakes with assorted flavor and Golden treasure with lotus pate and yolk)
* 2 from Eater Palace (pastry shell with whole yam and kacang ijo shell with lotus paste and single yolk)
* 1 from Kwong Cheong Thye(low Sugar Cappuccino cake)
Only 2 boxes form local town.
So, I've been drooling since before Mid Autumn Festival and my patience finally payed off.
These are some I remember to take the picture before I ate them, 1 box of mini moon cake of assorted flavors from Pine court has been successfully polished off hehehe.
Oh yes, I like the Pine Court's design which's 6 size case represents 8 blessing for Happiness, Harmony, Love, Success, Prosperity, Advancement, Abundance and Luck. Nice.......

ine Court

1 comment:

KittyCat said...

You're so lucky! I did not eat any mooncakes this year because they are VERY expensive in China.

And my Hubby's company decided NOT to join in the mooncake exchange programme which means ZERO mooncakes (pengsan).

I only like simple lotus paste and Shanghai mooncakes :)