Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Very very busy, last weekend to celebrate my cousin wedding. Dear cousin has been living in state for long time and there he met her lovely wife who is so coincidentally also from Sumatera but from Sumatera Barat/ West Sumatera.
Her families and friends traveled along way from around the world (a bit exaggerate hehehe, they came from Jakarta, Padang and USA) to attend this couple wedding ceremony.
I Planed to bring Megan to the wedding dinner at night, but have to cancel them because it was raining and I didn't want her to catch cold (epidemic in most of Asia countries now) so Megan stay at home with bibik.
But when I brought her to the ceremony in the morning, Ohhh she put on sour face and only accepted to be bau-bau by selected people although mummy has tried to dressed her so nicely in her Korean dress :) to show off!!!! Ah... pengsan lah...


2xMum said...

Aww... she looks sweet in her korean dress!

Lybil said...

She looks gorgeous in the Korean dress, suits her fair skin perfectly!


Unknown said...

Why she look so glum????
Actually can always use the umbrella mah.... dinner can be quite fun for kids... :)

Anyway, I too like her Korean dress.

sting said...

oh she looked so pretty in that dress :-)

wow! there's entertainment on stage too.. does most weddings have this in Indonesia?